11 Best Mountain Dog Breeds | DogExpress

Dog Express
6 min readApr 17, 2023


Much like the sheer gigantic ness of mountains, the mountain dog breeds are massive. They love to be in charge, irrespective of their size. Historically, puppies got trained to complete tasks for their owners. It includes a range of functions not restricted to the following:

  • protecting their families
  • carting things
  • protecting and herding sheep

However, as opposed to shepherd dog breed tasks even during extreme weather. They could travel rough terrains in such inclement conditions because of their thick coats and huge body masses.

List of Best Mountain Dog Breeds with Pictures

Bernese Mountain Dogs originated in Bern, Switzerland, and this is where they get their name from. They have ancient origins. According to estimation, they developed during the Roman Empire. It was in the 1920s that they made their way to the USA (United States of America), and AKC (American Kennel Club) registered them in 1936.

They are tough — they can pull ten times their body weight! If you want to own one of them as a family member, you must know they shed quite a bit. However, when you have fun training them, you would hardly notice it.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are majestic and agile despite weighing over 100 pounds! They are like Bernese Mountain Dogs. They originated in Switzerland, and they love to perform various tasks! For example, they were trained to corral cattle and pull mountain carts.

The difference between these two is that Swissies are bigger. It is something that might shock you! Despite how big they are rather good with families. Their tri-colored coats are also rather famous with markings of the following colors:

Caucasian Shepherds can weigh up to 170 pounds, and for years they have served as fierce protectors of property and livestock, to name a few. Their greatness comes from the fact that there are a couple of subvariants of this canine breed — the Steppe and the Mountain.

The Mountain pups can be differentiated by their heavier body mass and longer coats. If you want one, remember that the longer body coat would need a lot of brushing. They like to crush you as your massive lapdogs, but please remember they must exercise daily.

No matter what their names suggest, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs are on the smaller side among the mountain breeds. They are also known as the laughing dog of the Swiss Alps. They weigh in the region of 50 pounds. They walk around on short legs and need a lot of exercises.

Therefore, they would be the right option for active families with older kids. In addition, the kids benefit from having a furry playmate. They are clever and more competent individuals too!

Formosan Mountain Dogs are also known as Taiwan Dogs. They are medium-sized and share a special bond with their human parents. Thanks to the fact that for several generations, they have been bred to hunt small game in the mountains alongside their human best friends.

This breed tends to be wary of strangers thanks to this innate willingness to protect and connect. Thus, it is super important to socialize with them. Also, please leave them alone briefly, as they always miss you.

St. Bernards are among the most recognizable breeds of dogs in the world. They are among the most loyal of their kind going around primarily because of the popular folkloric image of these pups with a brandy cask around their necks and rescuing travelers stranded on snowy mountains.

They carried food and water in those packs to rescue people. A fun fact about these pups is the rate at which they grow. Animal Planet says that almost a hundred puppies were needed to star as the pup in Beethoven’s 2nd because the puppies were growing too quickly.

If you train a Leonberger and socialize them from an early stage of their lives, they can be the gentle giant that you have always dreamed of having. They would be loyal, friendly, and sweet. Otherwise, living with the dog breed could be difficult because they can wreak havoc with consummate ease, primarily because they weigh between 120 and 170 pounds!

Some tend to be charmed by their puppylike disposition and messy demeanor, but this breed is not the best choice if you wish to keep your home pristine.

Newfoundland dogs are more than just kind-hearted and gentle — they are a positive force and symbolize everything well. But unfortunately, they are a breed specializing in water rescue, and they are too active. They also enjoy outings where they hike in cool weather and swim.

They love people but have an affinity for kids and would watch out for them. As such, from the character’s point of view, they have no faults at all. However, they do have some issues, such as

  • shedding
  • drooling
  • low tolerance for hot temperatures

Appenzeller Sennenhund is among the four mountain dog breeds bred in Switzerland for the following tasks:

  • working on farms
  • herding livestock
  • pulling heavy carts

We have already talked about the other three over here. The common thing among all these breeds is that they have the same tricolor pattern in their coats.

However, there is a difference in the size and the type of their coats. This breed is called Appenzeller Mountain Dogs and Appenzeller Cattle Dogs for guarding farms and herding cattle.

Dog Time says that a Tibetan Mastiff can be stubborn. However, if the owner is patient, they can be loving and gentle too. They are not as big as the average Mastiffs but can weigh up to 150 pounds, and if that is small for you, so be it! However, their hearts are also as big as their bodies.

American Kennel Club says this is one of the oldest dog breeds. They guarded the Himalayas — it is believed that nuns and monks who were not good enough to be reincarnated as people or enter the heavenly realm became them when they reincarnated.

Great Pyrenees are fluffy snowballs that stand out easily from the crowd thanks to their coats — they are so bright and white — and their brown eyes full of soul-bred initially to scare off predators on the Great Pyrenees mountaintops. Yet, even now, they retain their protective nature.

They can be mellow family members and would let you do what you want to. These babies resemble Polar Bears. They get along so well with other furry family members that it is incredible — Yes, they would be friends with cats too!

Frequently Asked Questions

In temperament, Great Danes are the best — the giant dogs with the biggest hearts. They love to live with their family and bond with all the members of it. They also love physical contact.

Following is a list of the larger dog breeds in the world and their weights:

  • Mastiff — 160–230 pounds
  • Boerboel — 150–220 pounds
  • Saint Bernard — 120–180 pounds
  • Great Dane — 110–175 pounds

In height, Great Danes are supposed to be a giant breed of dogs. However, English Mastiffs and Irish Wolfhounds could be considered worthy contenders.

A giant dog breed is one where the members are of gigantic proportions. For example, if their weight exceeds 99 pounds, a breed would be described as a giant. The following are the most prominent ones here:

Great Dane is said to be the king of the big dogs. It is one of the most recognizable ones among the giant dog breeds. They were bred to hunt boars and act as guardians.


Many great dog breeds are well-suited for life in the mountains. These breeds are strong, energetic, and highly adaptable to harsh environments. So whether you’re an avid hiker, climber, or skier, one of these mountain dog breeds may be the perfect companion for your next outdoor adventure.

Originally published at https://dogexpress.in on April 17, 2023.



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Dog Express

Written by Dog Express

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