Amazing Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know
We already know a lot about dogs, like their temperament, habits, behavior, living conditions, etc., when considering them as a pet and opening our homes to them.
But, did you know there are still many unknown facts about them? As an avid dog lover, we found some of these facts amazing and worth sharing with you.
Here are some amazing facts about dogs that you probably didn’t know
1. Dogs are as smart as three-year-olds.
Ever wondered why your two-year-old kid bonds, especially with your family dog.
Well, they speak the same language, sharing about 250 words and gestures.
2. Dogs can smell your feelings
They can smell approximately 100,000 times better than us. Notice next time, when they smell someone getting scared?
Dogs catch the scent of our sweat that increases when we are scared.
3. Some dogs are water-resistant
A dog breed that has water-resistant coats and webbed feet — Newfoundlands. It’s the top choice for lifeguard dogs.
4. Petting a dog can improve your physical and mental health
Studies have shown that if you pet a dog for 15 minutes, it can lower blood pressure by 10%. It can even reduce your stress, depression feelings and help you combat loneliness.
5. Dogs poop in alignment with the earth’s magnetic field
As per a recent study(published in the journal Frontiers in Zoology), dogs can sense minor variations in the earth’s magnetic field. So they relieve themselves in the spot with calm magnetic field conditions.
Now you know why they have a specific spot to do their business!
6. Most dogs get lost during holidays
The loud noise of fireworks scares dogs, and they run away. Later, they can’t get back home, and lack of identification makes it difficult for shelters to unite the dogs with their rightful owners.
7. Dogs have separation anxieties too
Like us, dogs have difficulties processing our long absence. Try leaving behind your worn clothes. They can smell your scent in it, and it can help ease your dog’s separation anxiety.
8. Dogs can smell cancer and other diseases in humans
Cancerous cells release various metabolic waste than healthy cells, and dogs with a heightened sense of smell can sniff by smelling human breath.
9. Dogs can get jealous just like kids with siblings
According to a study done by the University of California San Diego, dogs can show more engaging behaviors when humans show affection to other creatures like stuffed toys or pets. They tried to get in between them, barking, biting, and whining. It gave researchers the idea that dogs do experience jealousy.
10. Some Other ‘Did You Know’ Facts
● Dogs cannot process theobromine — a reason why chocolates are poisonous for them.
● Dogs don’t sweat; they cool themselves by panting.
● Puppies are born deaf, but they can hear four times more than humans as they grow a little.
● Two Pomerianarians and one Pekingese — all from the first-class cabins, survived the Titanic historical sinking in 1912.
● Dog’s noses are always wet. It helps them absorb scents.
● Dalmatians puppies are born fully white; spots develop when they grow up.
● Stray dogs in Russia have learned to ride subways and get off at specific stops searching for food.
● Dogs have an uncannily accurate concept of time. They know the difference between one hour and five; a reason why they get restless when their time for a walk is delayed.
● The noseprint of a dog is as unique as a fingerprint in humans.
Dogs are not only loyal but are smart and intelligent species that have been the ‘best-friend of man’ since the hunting days. If you get more information on dogs, post your questions in the comment section below.