Dog Is Suffering From Seasonal Allergies- How To Know?
For many people, springtime means the season of allergies — runny nose, itchy eyes, and general discomfort. Our pets are susceptible to environmentally triggered allergies, but the only problem is that they cannot tell us how they feel.
Seasonal allergies are a massive problem in veterinary medicine, and there’s a chance that your dog could be suffering from it. This blog has covered a few of your pet’s seasonal allergies. Keep reading to know more!
Biting and scratching
One of the most common symptoms people bring in their pets is itchiness. Allergies are common in dogs who often react by biting or scratching themselves to relieve the itching. While the best thing to do if your dog is biting or scratching is to take them to the vet, bathing them with mild shampoo may also offer them temporary relief. If the allergy is related to the grass, pollen, or trees, it can help to wash these triggers off of them.
Infected and inflamed skin
One of the most severe side-effects of allergies in pets is a skin infection. It is usually related to chronic scratching. Unlike people who get runny noses and watery eyes, most pets develop itchy, red skin and secondary skin infections. Even though it is less common, these infections affect dogs and other pets. A trip to the vet is a good idea; however, in the meantime, you can clean your pet’s skin with witch hazel which soothes and dries the skin. Next, you can apply cool black or green tea bags to the skin or moisturize them with coconut oil.